
About us

About us

L H Z | Eurasia Trucking (China) Logistics Service Co., Ltd. is located in Guangzhou Nansha Free Trade Zone at the core of Guangdong- Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay area, and is committed to building a door-to-door two-way logistics leader from China to Central Asia- Middle East- Eastern Europe- Europe. A complete supply chain system has been formed in the transportation, customs clearance, insurance, transit, border warehouse, overseas warehouse, destination customs clearance and distribution between Europe and Asia. It has realized five shifts per week as the two-way open and normal operation from Xinjiang Alashankou port, Horgos port, baktu port, Kashgar port and Mongolia Manzhouli Port to Eurasia, the industry is known as the truck flight channel for customers and enterprises in Eurasia. Currently ,operation centers have been established in Guangzhou, Almaty, Tashkent, Istanbul, Minsk, Moscow and Germany , the destinations have covered all countries in Eurasia and Middle East.

Service scope

Project logistics, factory logistics, FTL/LTL transport, FBA,9610, 9710, 9810 cross-border e-commerce, ATA carnet,Over - limit and bulky transportation, export of new energy vehicles, lithium battery logistics, ADR dangerous goods transport, cold chain logistics and other logistics products with high time-effective requirements.

3500+ Customer selection
100+ Cover industry
99% High praise
50+ Industry solutions

Our strengths

  • Time of delivery (days)*

    Change the number


    Restrictions on the transport of dangerous Goods

    Over-limit cargo transport restrictions

  • 12-16


    No limits

    No limits

  • 10-14

    More than 2 times




  • 25-35

    More than 2 times




  • 40-50

    More than 2 times



    No limits

  • IRU alliance
  • TIR with China
  • IRU profile
  • IRU profile
  • IRU history

IRU (International Road Transport Union) was founded in Geneva, Switzerland in 1948. As an international organization for the road transport industry, IRU has members and activities in more than 80 countries. At the same time, IRU is authorized by the United Nations to manage the only global cross-border cargo clearance system, TIR.

IRU is not only the spokesperson of the global road transport industry, but also an important partner of the United Nations, the European Union, the World Bank, the World Customs Organization and other international organizations. IRU enjoys a high level of influence in the international community with its focus on serving the road transport industry by relying on its national road transport association members in various countries.

Over the years, IRU has actively promoted the development of the global transportation industry, promoting trade and economic prosperity. At the same time, we are committed to sharing with China more than 70 years of rich experience in promoting global road transport development, contributing to the "One Belt And One Road" and promoting connectivity.

IRU is active in more than 80 countries on five continents and has representative offices in Geneva, Beijing, Brussels, Istanbul and Moscow.

IRU in global Around the world, we work hand in hand with our members, governments and stakeholders to promote the development of the road transport industry.

  • 1948
  • 1949
  • 1959
  • 1975
  • 2002
  • 2005
  • 2016
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • · 1948 IRU was founded in Geneva, Switzerland. It was originally formed by the road transport associations of eight western European countries to help restore damaged transport and trade flows in war-torn Europe.
  • · In 1949, in order to further promote post-war reconstruction, Europe adopted the TIR International Road Transport Agreement, making cross-border cargo transport between European countries more efficient and safe. Since then, IRU has taken on the task of developing TIR systems.
  • · in 1959, TIR system operated for ten years and achieved fruitful results in the field of cross-border freight clearance. As a result, the United Nations sponsored the adoption of the International Road Transport Convention (the TIR Convention). IRU is mandated by the United Nations to administer the TIR system globally.
  • · 1975 The United Nations updated the TIR Convention to cover multimodal transport and better adapt to the evolving global transport.
  • · China Road Transport Association (CRTA) became the first Chinese member of IRU in 2002.
  • · 2005 IRU launched the New Eurasian Transport Initiative (NELTI), which aims to revitalize the Silk Road, promote connectivity and convenience of road transport in Eurasia, and promote trade and economic development of countries along the route. Same vision as today's One Belt And One Road initiative in China.
  • · In July 2016, China formally acceded to the United Nations TIR Convention and became the 70th state party to the Convention. In November, IRU's East and Southeast Asia representative office was officially opened in Beijing.
  • · In May 2018, THE TIR Convention was formally implemented in China.
  • · In June 2019, The General Administration of Customs of China launched nationwide TIR transport on the basis of the previous 10 TIR pilot ports

Implementation process of TIR in China:

· In July 2016, China joined the United Nations TIR Convention and became the 70th Contracting Party;

· In May 2018, China formally implemented the TIR Convention and opened the first batch of 6 pilot ports;

· In June 2019, China officially launched nationwide TIR transportation.